Case Studies
The Family Business Research Foundation produces in-depth case studies and evidence-based guidance to support best practice covering a variety of themes in family business research and practice. These case studies will be of interest to family business owners and managers, those who advise family businesses, and students of family business.
The quest to live beyond 100: cases of resilient UK family businesses
A series of case studies produced by researchers at the CASS Business School and the University of Manchester. These four case studies take an in-depth look at four British, family-owned businesses that are more than 100 years old.
Family business and community engagement
These case studies drawn on qualitative research by researchers at the Universities of York and Birmingham. The case studies take an in-depth look at the community engagement activities of large family firms in the UK, how they engage with and have a positive impact on their multiple communities. They will be of interest to family business owners, managers, and other practitioners who are interested in enhancing the community and social impact of their business.