Family Business Research Conference 2022: Governance in Family Business

In February 2022, the IFB Research Foundation collaborated with Loughborough University London to host our 4th annual research event.

The 2022 Symposium focused on the theme of family business governance, and included presentations from family business researchers and practitioners in both the UK and internationally. Researchers, decision makers, and family business practitioners were brought together to discuss current themes and challenges in family business research and practice, and to identify avenues for new research in the field.

In particular, the event explored following central themes and questions:

  • Family governance - the family-business relationship

  • Governance in the context of ESG

  • Corporate governance in family firms

  • ‘Hot topics’ in family business research in 2022

  • Recent and current activity of the IFB Research Foundation

We have shared some of the key presentations from the Symposium.

Trust and Transparency: Emerging good practice in corporate governance reporting for family businesses

Sir James Wates CBE, Chairman of the Wates Group and the Institute for Family Business (UK).


Governance for creating lasting family business legacies

Professor Dr. Torsten M. Pieper, Associate Professor of Management, UNC Charlotte (USA) and President.

Powerpoint presentation by Professor Dr. Torsten M. Pieper


Governing the Business Family: A Holistic Approach

Professor Isabel Botero (University of Louisville and Advisor at Generation6 Family Enterprise Advisors)

Dr. Claudia Binz Astrachan (Head of Family & Business Program at Lucerne School of Business and Head of Governance at Generation6 Family Enterprise Advisors)

Professor Botero and Dr. Binz Astrachan presented findings from new research on family governance commissioned by the IFB Research Foundation.

Powerpoint presentation by Professor Isabel Botero and Dr Claudia Binz Astrachan 

The full report sharing evidence and new evidence-based guidance on family governance can be accessed here.

Business Family Justice in Ownership and Wealth Transfers

Dr. Susan Lanz, Research Fellow, CREME, Aston University.

In 2021-22, the IFB Research Foundation collaborated with Dr. Susan Lanz, Aston University to develop new guidance for family firms on how to manage the justice and equity issues that can arise during ownership and wealth transfers between generations. The new guidance was based on Dr Lanz’s doctoral research in this area. In the presentation (which can be accessed below), Dr Lanz summarises some of the key themes and recommendations from her work in this area. The new Challenges Guide, Business Family Justice in Ownership and Wealth Transfers, can be accessed here

Powerpoint presentation by Susan Lanz

View recordings of the presentations on the FBRF’s YouTube Channel.


Family Business Research Conference 2023: New Frontiers in Family Business Research


Family Business Research Conference 2021: COVID-19 and Social Impact