Codes of Governance for Family Businesses

This is the pre-print copy of a Chapter “Codes of Governance for Family Business” by Professor Carole Howorth (University of York), Dr Martin Kemp (Family Business Research Foundation), and Professor Tim Nichol (Pro Vice Chancellor, Liverpool John Moores University Business School). The chapter appears in the De Gruyter Handbook of Family Business (2023) [Activate text:] edited by Professor Mick Carney and Marleen Dieleman. It includes a systematic analysis and interpretation of codes of governance and national guidance for family businesses and incorporates the Foundation’s work in this area. The publishers of the handbook (De Gruyter) have kindly given us permission to share this pre-print version with the Charity’s stakeholders.


Total Tax Contribution of UK Family Businesses


State of the Nation: UK Family Business Sector 2021-22