
These reports present research, insight, and guidance by the Family Business Research Foundation on family-owned businesses, their impact on the economy and society, and the challenges they face.

All of our outputs are available to access free of charge and on an open-source basis.

2018 phil bradwick 2018 phil bradwick

Long-Term Thinking in UK Family Business

These research findings from DCU Business School offer new insights into UK family businesses in terms of their long-term objectives and strategies, non-economic goals, and long-term orientation.

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2018 Martin Kemp 2018 Martin Kemp

The State of the Nation: The UK Family Business Sector 2017-18

This report from the IFB Research Foundation and Oxford Economics provides a comprehensive economic assessment of the UK family business sector in 2017-18. It investigates the characteristics of family firms: their size, structure, and concentration across different industrial sectors. The report seeks to estimate the contribution family businesses make to the UK economy - to the UK’s GDP, employment, and to the public finances, providing in depth analysis of the geographical and sectoral spread of family firms.

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2016 phil bradwick 2016 phil bradwick

UK Large Family Business Report

This report from RepGraph presents the results of a study by the Research Foundation to identify family-owned businesses among the top 1,000 UK companies.

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