Family Business Research Conference 2024: Summary of Proceedings now available

The Family Business Research Foundation’s annual research conference (Thriving in challenging times: how family businesses navigate crisis, complexity, and uncertainty) took place on May 20, 2024, in collaboration with Lancaster University Management School’s Centre for Family Business and the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business.

Practitioners, family business owners, researchers, advisers, and consultants came together to explore some of the challenges facing family firms in the UK today and how they are responding to these challenges. The event was held both in-person and online, with around 135 people taking part (63 in-person, 72 online), and explored a set of questions relevant to family business practitioners and researchers

Working with presenters and other contributors to the event, we have produced a summary of proceedings from our 2024 conference which is now available to all our stakeholders and those interested in family business research.

Click here to access the summary of proceedings

Dr Martin Kemp

Family Business Research Foundation


Request for Proposals: the Contribution of Family Firms to the UK Economy