Launch of New Guidance on Non-Family CEO Succession

10th May 2024

The Family Business Research Foundation has collaborated with Cranfield School of Management to produce new evidence-based guidance and resources on succession to non-family leadership in family firms.

This evidence-based guidance is designed to help business-owning families and those who run or advise family businesses navigate the potential pitfalls and challenges that can occur during leadership transitions. A case study (Bettys & Taylors Group) is used to highlight some of the issues that can arise during leadership transitions in family-owned firms. The guidance also provides a useful resource for family-business researchers with an interest in understanding succession decisions in family firms.

The Family Business Research Foundation’s Family Business Challenges Series seeks to put business research into practice and provides evidence-based guidance for those involved in family businesses to help them manage the challenges that they encounter. This guide is #20 in the Challenges Guide Series to view the full series click here.


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